Today, we will have a chance to look inside a Corsair RM750 power supply. In case you are interested in a more premium version of this power supply – Corsair RM750x, you can check my other article here. And in general, I would recommend going for RMx series instead of RM, but in case your budget is limited, well …
The box itself looks nice, nothing special but not cheap. Straight away, you can recognize it’s a fully modular power supply. That means you can use only those cables you need for your pc. Also, it’s easier to sleeve or buy already sleeved cables and have better cable management. Let’s remove a plastic cover and have a look inside. We have a few things here – some documentation, a power supply, a bag with a few zip ties plus screws, and a box with all the cables.
Let’s have a look at how many and what kind of cables are included:
- AC power cord
- Two 8 pin EPS cables for your hungry CPU
- Three SATA
- One 24 pin ATX cable
- Three 8 pin PCIe for your graphics card or cards.
- And one Molex cable.
Corsair RM750 power supply is packed into some foam material just to keep it safe during a shipping process. Let’s point out the key features of this power supply:
- So, as I mentioned previously, its fully modular power supply so you can plug in only needed cables and have some spare space for better cable management.
- Second, Zero fan rpm mode – it means power supplies fan will kick in only from 40% or around 300 watts load.
- 80 plus Gold-Certified efficiency is a good longer-term investment for your pocket
- Flat, low profile cables – again, makes it much easier to hide, bend and make your PC look clean.
- Another feature – CORSAIR LINK software for monitoring fan speed and power delivery of your computer.
The power supply has nothing special from a design side – white RM logos from both sides, open honey cone mesh at the back, but hey, most probably it will be hidden somewhere deep down in your chasey.
The power supply comes with 5 years warranty.
Thanks for stopping by, and checking my unboxing post! In case you want to check my video, please check at the bottom of this post. And see you soon.
Link @ Amazon
Corsair RM750 –
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